Monday, February 5, 2007

Two positives do not always make a positive

I like writing. Spelling, diction, punctuation, structure, and all the intricacies of trying to communicate ideas correctly and coherently to other minds. Writing this post is enjoyable, almost effortless, an self-appreciated creative outlet.

I like data. Numbers, graphs, statistics, lines, trends, and all the information that is provided and can be extracted from data in all its raw and processed forms.

Heaven help me, I hate writing about data. The laborious phrasing needed to lead a critical audience to come to my same conclusion about esoteric scientific points without resort to informal, in-person discussion hurts my brain. Just like that sentence did. Mixing hot carcinogens in lab all day is sooo much easier.

But the writing must be done, and I really should chain myself to the computer tonight to make up for the workday's delinquency.

3 comments: said...

hawt bella nerdliness

X Bunny said...

he said 'raw'

dp said...

Oh. My. God. You have put your finger (keyboard?) on the bane of my scientific existence. Introduction? Love it. Methods? Can get tricky. Results? Gah! Discussion? Awesome.