Thursday, February 15, 2007


Today, we say it's like in a movie; many years ago, like in the Bible: a traitor, recognized, perhaps even unwitting, but unstoppable. There are inevitable moments of betrayal coming for us all, beyond our control. A previously warm friendship turns to cold coexistence, stuck in the same room.

It's probably nothing new to anyone reading this. I judge that for the most part I've lived a pretty easy life, with little in the way of responsibility for others' well-being. Having children (speaking globally, here) is an option to change that; less optional is having parents. And my parents are getting old. Old enough that their property is too big for them, old enough that their bones are weakening, old enough that more and more activities will be out of their reach.

The body will always betray the soul.


~ lauren said...

once in a while, already, i can feel those little tiny betrayals sneaking up on me.

right now, we're watching a parent of ours struggle with terminal cancer.

betrayal after betrayal. but she is so determined not to be held down by it.

X Bunny said...

now i'm ready to race tomorrow