Friday, August 10, 2007

Yes, this blog has been blackled

Points to xbunny for calling me on it.

Do I get credit for being first to use "blackle" as a verb?


dp said...

Nooooo! Please change it back. This is so hard to read.

X Bunny said...


i got points?!

how many?!!

russellp said...

dp: Is it really that hard to read? I find it sort of charmingly retro, like using a monochrome Apple II all over again.

I may try to avoid long-windedness to save eyes...nah.

xb: Uh, points, points to xbunny!

We'll figure out what those are good for someday. Hopefully before they expire.

X Bunny said...


i think i'm in the lead now

dp said...

Yes, it really is that hard to read. Please change it back, or give us the option to see black or white -- I've seen that on some other blogs.

X Bunny said...

i kinda like the black
maybe you should take a vote
and then ignore what we say
and do whatever you want anyway