Monday, August 13, 2007

Deblackled for greater readability

Scientific rationale for black-on-white being easier to read than white-on-black:

The average brightness of the screen will determine whether the pupil is dilated (open) or contracted (closed). Photographers can tell you that the depth of field (minimum and maximum distances between which all is in focus) increases as the aperture size decreases.

If the screen is white (with only a small amount of black print), the pupil will contract, decreasing the aperture size and increasing the depth of field. The lens then has to do less fine adjustment in order to keep the screen in focus as our head wobbles around. Ergo, a more relaxing read.

Wobble, wobble, wobble...


X Bunny said...

peer pressure

dp said...

peer pleasure

russellp said...

clear dentures


sorry, brain's a bit low on oxygen right now