Monday, October 8, 2007

Northern turkey 'cross

This was the weekend of Canadian Thanksgiving, not that many people in the US notice either that or Columbus Day. Still, Happy Thanksgiving to you all--eh?

Sunday was the first installment of the Pilarcitos Superprestige cyclocross series, at a new/old venue, Sierra Point. The grounds were "reclaimed" from the Bay, so the dirt was, well, sort of like ground concrete. Hard, powdery. We don't get to play on soft, loamy dirt around here very much, do we? Others have described the spidery course, so on to a race report:

I started near the back, hoping more for a clean race than a high placing. Indeed, the clustering in the first sequence of up-and-down-and-up U-turns made a high placing pretty much impossible: by the time I got through, the leaders had long since hopped over the triple barrier way up the course. Still, I managed to sabotage my hopes for a clean race on the first drop after the barriers/run-up by sliding out on the oversized gravel at the bottom (gravel? well-aged asphalt). After getting up, dusting off, and checking to see if my bike still worked, there was a woman doing a warmup lap behind me. So, I was either DFL or really close to it.

The nice thing was that I was strong enough to catch up and pass people after that--clearly I was far more motivated after crashing than I was last week. The two running sections really played to my long legs and running background as I could make up gobs of time and space. Somewhere in there, I came up behind Nemesis, the rider who had caused me to crash the two weeks previous by boggling in front of me--he was picking himself up after a failed attempt to scuttle someone else's chances. I followed for some ways, leaving enough space to allow for dodging, then passed on some straight where it'd be really hard for him to find a place to boggle. And that's the last I saw of Nemesis...this time. We will meet again--he's better at lining up second row for the start, methinks.

The race ended with me in a pack-filler position (36/58) but without getting lapped. Key points: start better, somehow, and don't fall over. Really, I just need to stop falling, and things could improve mightily. And repairing skin is getting old.

Great fun to see all the folks with their tents (and precious shade) and barbeques and coolers out for the races: running a team competition that includes points for all of those things is possibly one of the best aspects of this series. Morgan even handed me his camera to take a few pictures 'round the course, which was fun--hanging out at the races post-Lycra is always fun--and some of them were even in focus. I think it also allowed Morgan to focus on, well, beer.

Now writing this post is mostly redundant because (a) I think I ran into everyone who reads this blog and knows cyclocross at the race, so they know my story already, and (b) anyone who reads this and doesn't know cyclocross will probably get as much out of it as they would an advance Swahili reader. But it's good practice.


~ lauren said...

so i was looking through our pictures and i got to the ones that you took, not knowing that you'd been the one who'd taken them, and i thought "wow, maybe morgan is starting to take better pictures now".

and then a few hours later he told me that there'd been a guest photographer and it made more sense.

the ones you took came out really good! thanks for doing that.

and i fell in the same exact place and have some nice road rash - but thankfully it was on the pre-race laps and not in the race.

good job on the finish considering how far back you were in the beginning.

dp said...

I wish you would accompany these posts with video. I actually had to look up "cyclocross" recently because I had no clue what the hell you were babbling on about. But an incomprehensible Russell is better than no Russell at all, so I will persevere.

Grey said...

"start better, somehow, and don't fall over."

i love how everyone takes a lesson away from a cross race. mine from last weekend was: after the race, eat real food before standing in the sun and dust drinking beer and heckling people for 3 hours. once i actually got a burrito in me at 4pm i was seriously KO'd.

dp: i don't even try to explain CX to my friends anymore. i'd suggest wikipedia or

hopefully we'll get softer, loamier dirt in november and december. GG Park was really, really nice last year.

~ lauren said...

heh. i like grey's lesson. that's a good one.

russellp said...

L: I admire Morgan for trying to take pictures with a beer in his other hand.

dp: I can see what can be scared up at YouTube that's representative of cx. A local named Hans Kellner does helmet-cam vids of some races too.

g: I screwed up food too--racing at lunchtime made me forget to eat lunch. It wasn't 'til 5pm that I had a deluxe cinnamon bun and a bottle of chocolate milk...which was good...but sorta coma-inducing...