Monday, September 1, 2008

Make it stop

Labor Day weekend--

Friday night: Athletics game from behind home plate, thanks to a friend getting "Diamond Level" tickets. Upside, free ballpark food. Downside, probably showed up stuffing my face on TV. And what do I do with this bobblehead?

Saturday: laps of Redwood Park on the 'cross bike. New tires to test. Clockwise on the ridge trails, it's all good except for the hill climbing up West Ridge--mmm, trudging uphill in bike shoes...It was good to get offroad but starting in a pack of riders will probably still freak me out come race time.

Sunday: morning swim followed by afternoon culture, Chihuly at the de Young. Showed up and there was a huge line just to buy tickets, but not 10 seconds after getting into the line a guy walked up to us and scalped us some tix for face value--sweet! Popular exhibit, crowded, lots of gaudy glass baubles on display, incredibly hyperbolic curation. Eating dinner afterwards, the miso soup was brilliant--umami!

Monday: back into SF for the Giro di San Francisco. A crit course giving spectators lots to watch. Checked out the cat 4/5's thinking I might be able to keep up in some crits and road races next spring. Watched and wandered al fresco au velo from 10am 'til 5pm, listening to the occasional meaty thuds of cyclist hitting asphalt. Happy to see pab and xbunny, 'cuz it sounds like I won't see them at the 'cross races this fall.

It's not even 10 and I want to/need to/will go to bed now.


dp said...

Sunday: You were missed and talked about in Deroche by people and cats. Many were impressed by Creature who remains useless (in its strictest sense) but decorative.

Anonymous said...

I know someone who'd love to have that bobblehead...

Did a cx clinic down in Moss Beach Sunday, then a long cx ride around Lake Chabot Monday. It's getting to be cx season. Racing dfL?

russellp said...

dp: sadly, I haven't figured out how to be in two places at once (especially if somebody talks to me and collapses my wavefunction). Glad to hear that Creature can pick up some of the slack.

morgan: seriously, help me find this thing a good home. Bonus points if it's a pre-teen A's fan, penalty points if it's a rapacious eBay junkie.

dfL racing? I'm the square who stays home so the 'crossdressers look cool.

X Bunny said...

nice chatting with you!