Friday, March 16, 2007

Yay for me

Five days, five bike commutes.

In part, because gas is over $3/gal and it feels good to save the money, though I probably saved $15 for the week and spent $35 in the cafeteria because I don't want to lug my lunch on my back to work.

In part, because I can get back on the bike after taking February off and get some base miles, though calling them base miles implies that I have some sort of training plan, which is not the case.

In part, because I got bike number five on Sunday and need to ride more to have some credibility as a guy who owns five bicycles. Someday I should take a group shot of the bunch.

This was my first 5/5 week since 2002 I'd guess, and certainly the first since moving to the south Bay. The extra time on the bike gave me time to think about the Four Horsemen of Bike Commuting (Cold, Dark, Rain, and Wind) as well as things that make bike commuting more pleasant (good route, good weather, late sunset, low traffic). On Monday, I know I'll drive because I have an eye appointment. The forecast for Tuesday is iffy for now; we'll see if I can suck it up and get back on the bike. But before then, it's time for a weekend long ride!

Ah, living in California is so tough...


X Bunny said...

it's not too early for some base miles for cross.....or is it?!

~ lauren said...

dang! 5 days in one week is great! 5 bikes, 5 days!

i always use terminology that makes it sound like i'm "training".

i'm still in my "base" (trying to ride lots so that i can last a few hours for a few mtb races and then for the fall when cross starts).

soon i'll be in build (fitting a few more spin classes in when the kid's spring soccer season starts).

tuesday is only a "chance of rain".

russellp said...

5 bikes, 5 bike commutes, 5 days--now that would be a challenge.

'Cept one's in a box and Slow, well, you know about Slow. I think I am expected to actually show up for work sometime. On Slow, by the time I got to work, it might be time to turn around and go home!

But maybe some week, just maybe...

Is this cross-relevant? If I keep getting on the bike 'til September! Reading bike blogs certainly helps.

Unknown said...

i should start riding into work, perhaps once I'm back from my trip to.....



(oh what fun)

good luck next week with the commuting