Friday, March 9, 2007

What a fruit

Cherries I understand. They blossom in the spring, work up their little fruits, then ripen in the full summer sunshine to bright red or red-black. Kids are out of school and can climb up, eat cherries, and spit the seeds on the ground (or at the nearest other kid) in a little slice of summer heaven.

Apples I understand. They too blossom in the spring (after the cherries), and then take longer to fill out--they're larger after all. In September the green unripe apples start taking on the red and gold hues that tell you they're ready for picking. Over Thanksgiving weekend (Columbus Day south of the border), you can pick the trees out. For a few months, you get a fresh apple in your lunch every day. By February or March, they're getting a bit old and wrinkly for eating as is, and they all get turned into applesauce, apple pie, apple cake...

Oranges I do not understand. They ripen in December, January, and February, the darkest, coldest, dreariest months of the year. Nobody wants to be outside then any longer than necessary. Not only that, right beside the oranges ripening on the trees beside the driveway are the blossoms for the next crop of oranges that will ripen the next miserable winter--nope, no waiting around for those other oranges to go away, gotta blossom...

Silly fruit.


dp said...

Aren't you being a bit dramatic? Are the winters really so miserable?

russellp said...

Yes, well, looking around outside today, it's hard to complain about a California winter.

Perhaps I was stretching the stranger-in-a-strange-land rhetoric a bit...

Lorri Lee Lown -- velogirl said...

nature has a way of doing what we need, even if we don't understand it. oranges ripen in the winter when most of us aren't getting enough fresh air and sunshine. vit-a-mnnnnns!

dp said...

Ha! When I look at your blog in Switzerland all of the Blogger stuff comes up in German. Orangen sind eine lustige Frucht!

~ lauren said...

we recently planted 2 orange trees in our yard - during the winter.

i'm not a big orange fan because they're a lot of work for little pay off.

but if the trees actually grow, then i might change my mind.

~ lauren said...

and russel, i realized after we met on saturday that i'd met you before during cross season.