Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Another New York whack job

Saw I Am Legend a couple weeks ago.

Saw Cloverfield this past weekend.

What is it with filmmakers needing to (virtually) beat the #$%& out of Manhattan these days?

Hm, though I guess it's simply a continuing tradition. There was The Day After Tomorrow, Godzilla, Independence Day, Escape from New York...and the godfather of the monster movies, King Kong. Probably the only city to have taken as much cinematic abuse is Tokyo courtesy of Godzilla & Co.

London and Paris have just as many icons but they don't seem to get crushed nearly as often. San Francisco got a bit of a thrashing in X-Men 3.

I guess a film about Los Gatos, or Santa Cruz, or even San Jose getting whacked would have fairly narrow appeal.


dt said...

It's all there in the Sinatra lyric:

New York

You left out Escape from New York and probably a couple of others.

They tried briefly to hate on Los Angeles (Volcano, Independence Day) but it just wasn't the same.

Did you enjoy Cloverfield?

russellp said...

hey dt: um, I didn't miss Escape from New York...but I'm sure I've missed many.

Did I enjoy Cloverfield? Yes. A good one to see in a theater, I think, and I ended up seeing it in the middle of a crowd of teenagers (makin' me feel old) who were very much into the scream/laugh spirit of things. Nothing profound, but a darn sight better than Godzilla 1997 from what I've heard. It's nice when filmmakers let things go bump in the dark or off-camera and let your imagination fill things in rather than trying to spell it all out with "amazing" CGI.

Unknown said...

i'd love to see a move attack on LG that would just be funny...

dt said...

Geeez, my reading skills are deteriorating faster than I feared.

I think I read your list *twice*. Huh.

I'm pretty sure British directors destroy London just on principle. I wonder if this thesis can be generalized to Paris, Moscow, and so on?