Wednesday, November 21, 2007

RussellP does domesticity

1. Baking

The price of admission for Thanksgiving dinner this year: 2 pies.

All they need now will be a garnish of, oh, I don't know--bacon chocolate?

2. Laundry

Bike commuting exacerbates my lack of cycling kit--I don't have enough jerseys and shorts to get from one laundry day to the next without rewearing something. To avoid utter nastiness, I've been handwashing them. Problem is, without a dryer, I could only get so much water out by wringing, and it took forever for them to dry, risking moldiness--until I started using the salad spinner.

A few spins and the jerseys and shorts come out drier than I could ever get 'em just by squeezing. Now, some would suggest that it's easier to wrap the clothes in a towel, but (a) the spinner works just as well if not better and (b) it doesn't create a wet towel which will get moldy. I'm also sure that no one who reads this will ask me to make a salad.

Happy American Turkey Day!


~ lauren said...

hmm, that's pretty creative. jerseys in a salad spinner...

X Bunny said...

i'm sure my shorts wouldn't fit in my salad spinner

yours looks like a pretry pro spinner!

dp said...

Pecan and strawberry rhubarb?

russellp said...

lauren: necessity breeds creativity. or something.

xb: it's a pretty sweet spinner for laundry, maybe engineering overkill for leafy greens.

dp: pecan (my first, and I avoided the use of corn syrup) and plain old apple. Though you've got me thinking now...if I can find rhubarb...

Grey said...

oh, man.

that's brilliant.

nice one.