Monday, November 26, 2007

Do the math

One billion. 1,000,000,000.

Big number.

Let's see...60 seconds to the minute, 60 minutes to the hour, 24 hours to the day, 365.24 days to the year, makes 31,556,736 seconds per year. That means one billion seconds is about 31 years, 8 months, 8 days, 24 minutes, and 30 seconds (give or take). So, at some point this week, I will pass my billionth birthsecond.

Despite doing these endurance sport-like things, I am not blessed with the cardiovascular system to give me a resting heart rate of 28 or the like--y'know, the kind that confuse medical instruments expecting to find a pulse in a reasonable amount of time. My ticker usually clocks in at 65 bpm or so, it seems. So the poor blessed thing has contracted, most likely, at least a billion times.

Assuming a car engine revs at 2500 rpm when doing 60 mph (about right for my car), a billion revolutions would allow it to travel 400,000 miles/640,000 km.

Mind you, a billion atoms of uranium only weighs 0.0000000000004 grams, which is small even if you convert it from metric.

OK, I should probably return to preparing for an interview tomorrow...


Anonymous said...

You should really get some plants or something...

X Bunny said...

it's way too soon after your most recent race (awesome job btw!) to be doing so much thinking

Velo Bella said...

I should have had you do the NCNCA points tabulations. I had to use my fingers.

dt said...

Can we call it your "Saganday"? Sure we can.

Happy Saganday, Russellp. Good luck with that interview, too.

~ lauren said...

my head hurts now.

russellp said...

jacob: already got 'em. thanks for reminding me to water.

xb: (thx!) can't help myself, sorry.

vb: not sure if i'd trust a hypoxic 'crosser to do math.

dt: Saganday? I like it. no one could say "billions" like Carl.

lauren: have a drink, sit back and decide on frame color(s). Much better.

dp said...

I liked it better when you had pictures of pie. Mmmmm....pie.

Unknown said...

Congrats and good luck! See you Sunday.