Sunday, July 29, 2007

Boxes and boxes of books and books

Assuming my identity hasn't been stolen in the past few months, a credit check should go through Monday or Tuesday and I'll be moving in August. Moving inspires consideration of what there is to be moved--and whether it's worth keeping.

I read a lot, and especially since finishing school and leaving the campus library behind, I've been accumulating books (I know there are public libraries, but I allow myself book purchases in lieu of spending the money on, say, heavy drinking.) This is in addition to the large number of books that I annexed from my parents' shelves as a teenager and recently brought from Canada with me as a consequence of my parents' own move. It's becoming quite the heavy pile of paper.

Now it's rare that I re-read a book, since my memory seems to keep track of enough to content me and I've yet to find a book remarkably different ten or more years later. Oddly, my gut feeling is that if I were to display my library, it would be in the hopes of someone else reading all the books--either as validation, or as a means to some sort of commonality. Regardless, I'm not likely to read them again. So why keep them?

A friend has offered space in a mostly-empty attic in which to store the many boxes (I assume I'll do most of the lifting to get them up there). Or, as a more permanent solution, there do exist a few used bookstores in the south Bay Area (though not as many as there could be) that might pay me a pittance. I was even thinking that I could try selling them at work (~800 people on-site) and donate the proceeds--they're currently collecting for back-to-school gear for needy kids. ...By even considering their possibility, I'm probably headed for one of the two latter options. Jacta alea est, the books will go.


dp said...

Please just don't give them to dt.

russellp said...

dp: Sorry, but I may play saboteur here. M^2 will be down here this week, and I may send back picks for dt with him...

X Bunny said...

what kinda books are they?

oh, and where are you moving?

dp said...

Damn you, Russell Pratt!

russellp said...

xb: a list should be in your inbox by now.

Moving from Los Los Gatos. A change of space and # of occupants.

dp: uh, the list is in dt's inbox by now. But dt has already read every English book under the sun, so I doubt there'll be much for him to pick through.